Submit a proposal for a symposia at the 46th ICCC

The 46th ICCC will have 8 themes. 

Symposia will comprise at least 2 Invited speakers (20 mins) and contributed talks (15 mins) in a 1:3 ratio, along with 2-5 Poster pitches (5 mins).  The contributed talks and poster pitches will be selected from submitted abstracts. The conference organizers retain the right to influence the choice of invited speakers in order to ensure diversity for the whole conference and to avoid duplication. Scheduling of the symposia will be arranged by the conference organizers.

A contribution to registration costs will be available to the symposia organizers to be used as they think best, e.g., as contributions to the registration for invited speakers.

Proposers may also suggest a Keynote speaker. Keynotes will be sponsored separately.

Organizers will be expected to function as moderators for the session(s).

Proposers are welcome to raise funding for extra activities, e.g., a symposium get together dinner, prizes etc.