Proposals for symposia
Proposals for symposia can be made until September 1st 2025. Instructions for submitting a proposal will be available early in 2025.
We plan on the general themes/tracks below and symposia will be fitted as best they can within these. In order to have strictly parallel sessions, symposia will include invited speakers and contributed talks and poster pitches chosen from abstracts submitted to the overall theme.
A budget including registration fee reduction for symposia organizers will be available.
Symposia organizers are encouraged to seek other specific symposia sponsorship for events, prizes etc.
- Coordination chemistry in biology and medical applications
- Catalysis and bond activation
- 4f/5f-elements
- Main group elements
- Electronic and molecular structure – methods and modeling
- Supramolecular chemistry and 3D materials
- Coordination compounds for energy and sustainability applications
- New Directions in Coordination Chemistry